Who is Ian S Grindey?

👋 Hi, I’m Ian S Grindey a Portsmouth-based stroke survivor and curator of The Stroke Survivor’s Digest.

I begin every day sifting through reams of stroke-related news, articles and videos—so you don’t have to. 😊

I dig out all the best bits and compile them into hand-written golden nuggets of information, all on 6x4 notecards. I then jazz them up and hand-write them out on my A4 yellow notepad.

Utilising notecards, yellow writing pad & coffee (plenty of coffee!) to generate each edition of my newsletter

Finally, when all typed up, they’re sent straight to your inbox—every morning at 6 a.m.—in celebration of the dawn of a new day ☀️

Join for free to get access to the daily newsletter

The Stroke Survivor Digest is a reader-supported publication. To receive the free daily digest enter your email below 👇

What is The Stroke Survivor’s Digest?

I started the Digest for my own benefit, to satisfy my own curiosity. I had questions I needed answers to:

  1. Why me, what caused the stroke?

  2. What steps can I take to avoid having another?

  3. How can I rebuild my life?

I was, essentially, writing to myself, but soon realised I wasn’t alone.

They’re the same questions other stroke survivors, like yourself, wanted answers to.

So, I came up with the idea of sharing my knowledge, experience & wisdom in an easy-to-read digestible newsletter:


a summation or condensation of a body of information: such as a periodical devoted to condensed versions of previously published articles,

- to distribute or arrange systematically, to take into the mind or memory, to compress into a short summary.

What can you expect?

The Stroke Survivor’s Digest gets delivered to your inbox - for FREE - at 6 a.m. every morning, Monday - Friday. So you won’t miss a thing.

Why so early?

A stroke survivor understands. Sleep can be a problem. It’s when we’re up. 🙄

The Stroke Survivor Digest is a reader-supported publication. To receive the free daily digest enter your email below 👇

What added benefits will I get by upgrading to a paid subscription?

In addition to receiving The Stroke Survivor’s Digest every morning at 6 a.m., you’ll also receive 👇

🔑 The key that unlocks all the archives, so you won’t miss anything and can catch up at your leisure.

📰 Friday’s edition of ‘Starting Over’, my deep dive into various stroke-related personal challenges, that we can all face.


🗣️ You’ll be able to post comments, join community discussions, suggest topics for a ‘deep dive’ and, become an awesome friend …

… who becomes a valued member in a community of stroke survivors with:

❓ Similar questions,

💡 Inspiring achievements and,

🚀 Stories to motivate us all.

All, for as little as £1 per week

Where else can you find me?

Twitter X : @iangrindey

Subscribe to The Stroke Survivor's Digest

A stroke survivor's curation of stroke-related news, articles & videos sent to your inbox—for free, every morning. Or help me keep this going for as little as £1 a week.


I am a stroke survivor. Starting over—developing new skills, hobbies & interests & writing about my journey along the way.